Zvi Goldman


www.zvigoldman.com, zvigoldman@hotmail.com, (203)521-4366


I am a contemplative and narrative driven abstract conceptual sculptor. It is my goal to balance intrinsic aesthetics and thought-provoking meaning, and express life, humanity, and the natural world.

Working primarily with wood and clay, I utilize a holistic approach characterized by organic, flowing, and connected outlines. Every sculpture reveals unique views from each direction with no redundant symmetry lines. The base is integrated as a part of the overall design. The exploration of new ideas and concepts is more important to me than replicating a concept within a series, therefore all my works are original and one-of-a-kind. My creation process is deliberate, incremental and precise, in which the journey of honing down, refining and crystallizing concepts is what I find most exhilarating.


Art elevates society to a higher level of inquiry and creative thinking, innate to human nature, exploring and grappling with philosophical questions of science, human nature, relationships, and society. My goal is to make people think, open themselves to new concepts, become more curious about what surrounds them, and, reflect on our being.

Art Profile CV

Recent Years’ Highlights:

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